Happy New Year!

It’s midnight,

I have crossed

a train track

Into the new year

At Lafenwa-Abeokuta station

Wandered amongst logs of wood

At Mayaks, The Ogun river was brooding

In the dark, An omnibus took me to Agege station

Tail lights, streetlights, full lights, torch lights of Quick Response Squads guided us

The bush parted around a cigarette light one time

Walked a kilometer and half to Isokoko

Where denizens of the midnight wore torn

Dungarees, greyed locks and designer kicks

Where my angel rescued me in army slacks;

His blind horse “2003 Yamaha XJR1300” chomping at the bit flew true

To Oshodi, where pacers have ghoulish faces, a cab picked me up, the driver’s prosthetic leg was laid across the dashboard

Woe onto the child that made his mother cry

Woe onto the child that ran away even from his suicide

Woe betides the child that disobeys his mother

Walked past a teen thief detained by night guards

Remembering violence, my head hit against the wall horizontally, and against the wall vertically

My mother’s cry of why do you want to be a bum so bad?

My brother’s message of don’t do it

The only bridge I scaled was my lips between beer and styrofoam cups

This is only the debris left after a storm